The Tikki Lounge Book Club

She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain. (1873) ~ Louisa May Alcott ~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Title: The God of Small Things
Author: Arundhati Roy

I was full of expectations with this book.Not because it was the winner of the booker prize,but because Arundhati Roy is an activist who notes running and writing as her favourite pastimes ! So naturally,this is one book I picked on personality alone.

I have to say, I found this book quite dense in a prosaic way.Roy uses words to weave a world of Damaskian proportions.
Most of it I enjoyed

"Ridges of muscle on his stomach rose under his skin like divisions on a slab of chocolate"

But this may have been because I had just finished Tom Robbins "Skinny Legs And All", where spoons, socks and tins of beans had a conscience and MOVED for crying out loud!

Perhaps in other circumstances I may have found Roy's garnishings distracting.

I enjoyed the aspect of looking into the caste system,but personally,I did not feel connected to any of the characters, except for one part where Rahel was told by her mother that because of her actions she was now loved a little less.

It is a book which moves through time, family dynamics and aspects of Indian culture in a way which is at times almost mythological.

I think it is worth sticking it out to the end, which in itself, may be but a small thing,but it's worth the journey.

I give it 3 tiki glasses


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